How you invest your time in high school will determine your value to colleges and how much they are willing to “pay” for you to attend their university! Our college advisors are here to help you find a way to “pay” for college.
Your responsibility as a student is to keep a competitive overall GPA and to excel in your subject studies. The rest of you will likely specialize in one area. Our education & college consultants will help you discover this unique passion and gift, which is critical to long-term success and satisfaction.
Family College Solutions’ Preparation Includes:
- Identify Unique Gifting, Talents, & Skills
- Robust Resume© Development
- Uncover Fields of Interest & Develop Focus Within Major
- Determine “Smart Choice©, Match & Reach” College Options
- ACT/SAT Preparation & Testing Strategies
- Internships, Extracurriculars & Employment Strategies as Related to Admission, Scholarships and Grants
- Personalized Showcase Presentation©
- Comprehensive Customized Scholarship Search
- College Selection & Demonstrated Interest
- Application Assistance & Essay Evaluations
- Campus Visit Preparation
- Mock Interviews – Admission/Scholarship Selection Committees
- Financial Award Comparisons & Appeal
- Student Accountability